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Friday, 3 July 2015

REVEALED: The complete solution to getting thousands of Facebook followers for free or nearly-free…
Introducing “Social Active” – The 10-Week, Hands-On, LIVE-In-Person Facebook Marketing Class for Beginners
We’ll Turn You Into A Facebook “Marketing Machine” That Can
Pull Thousands Of Followers… Make Others Want To Share Your
Message With Others For Free… And All Without Having To
Be In Front Of Your Computer 8 Hours A Day.

FACT: This Training Is The First Of Its Kind In Australia
LIVE at the Online Marketing Centre, Gold Coast, you’ll be coached once a week for 10 weeks in the 3 important fundamentals of marketing your business using Facebook.
·         Maybe you’ve wasted thousands of dollars taking ads on Facebook… only to wonder where it all went and why it didn’t result in a sale.
·         Maybe you’ve tried posting interesting photos… funny videos… or quirky memes – and still hardly anyone is following you.
·         Maybe you’re wondering why your content doesn’t get shared… yet your friend’s photo of a cat dipping his paw in someone’s cup of tea has gone viral.
These sort of bad experiences can make you scared of using Facebook to market your business. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The answer to using Facebook as your marketing tool is actually much simpler than you may think:
“The number 1 rule for succeeding on Facebook is to provide content that people in your market want to see.”
This may sound simple. But it represents a fundamental shift in HOW you communicate on Facebook. It’s not about what YOU want to provide. It’s about what THEY want to see. When you use Facebook THIS way, your results change dramatically.
If you’re prepared to grab your laptop and take a seat in
our NEW class… we’ll train you in how to do
Facebook marketing the simple and stress-free way.
You’ll work shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow students as your coach teaches you… shows you… and then has you DO the tasks LIVE on your own laptop computer. This class is NOT about teaching you strategy after new strategy. But instead, it’s about making sure you truly know and do the basic (but little-known) things that are required to grow your Facebook followers. Best of all – everything is made nice and easy to understand, with NO jargon that confuses you. Would you like to have thousands of people following your business?Would you love to finally know how to make money from Facebook? You’ll do this by learning and doing THESE 3 core activities weekly:
1) Creating content that people not only love, but want to tell their friends about too
2) Scheduling your content so that it gets released automatically (giving you the time and freedom to do other things)
3) Managing your content so that your followers build a relationship with you and want to do business with you
That’s it – just 3 simple activities. Nice and simple. But devastatingly effective. And the truth is, if you can do these 3 things, then you’ll be doing more than 99% of businesses on Facebook.


Most of the methods are completely free. And some will only cost a few dollars. Either way, you WILL dramatically increase your followers… GUARANTEED. The more followers you have, the more people will see your marketing messages. Which means, a much higher chance of making sales. The most important part is however, not knowing what to do, but DOING it consistently every week. As best-selling “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author and self-made millionaire, Robert Kiyosaki says…
“Learning is not a passive activity. True learning requires participation.”
Very simply, there are many people teaching Facebook marketing. There are many courses you can buy and ebooks you can read on the subject too.
However there is one BIG weakness with this method of learning:
If you spend your time reading about what to do, instead of actually physically doing the tasks you need to do, then it’s all a waste.
This is all based on what’s called the “Cone Of Learning.”
Learning is one thing. But what’s really important is HOW MUCH you remember.
If you can’t remember it, you can’t do it.
Thankfully, there IS a way to learn that beats all the others. Take a look at this picture below
It shows you the findings of a study which spells out what you need to do in order to learn EFFECTIVELY:
Bottomline is, you NEED to learn the theory yes, but you must DO the tasks involved if you truly want to learn.
If you don’t, then your brain forgets them – plain and simple.
To remember 90% of what you learn, you MUST be able to interact with your teacher, ask questions and actually DO the thing you’re being taught.
The ONLY way to get results in your marketing is to make sure you do the tasks needed, week-in, week-out. And… DO them the right way.
You may not know WHAT to do.
Or, you may indeed know what to do, but not HOW to do it.
Or you may know both, but still don’t take the TIME to do the marketing tasks every week.
Either way, you’re not leveraging the massive power of Facebook when it comes to marketing your business.
That’s why the “Social Active” class was created.

Social Active is all about doing.
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Show him HOW to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Over the course of 2 hours, once a week for 10 weeks, your coach will help you and your fellow students to understand and do the 3 key tasks that every social media marketing plan must entail.
1) Create content
2) Schedule content
3) Manage content
You’ll do these 3 specific tasks so consistently and so repetitively, that by the end of 10 weeks, you’ll feel like you can do them in your sleep.

Why is this good? Because you’ll know how to get thousands of people to follow your Facebook pages and want to become your customer.
By the end of 10-weeks you’ll have your routine so down-pat that you’ll finally:
·         Feel at ease with social media…
·         Know how to get thousands of followers…
·         Know how to make sales using your influence… and
·         Finally know what you’re doing and WHY you’re doing it
Social Active
Can you imagine having 1,000 followers? Or 2,000? Or 5,000?
Imagine 5,000 people or more seeing your marketing messages for FREE or nearly free!
Would you love to know how to provide entertaining and persuasive posts (even if you don’t know much about your subject)?
What if you knew exactly how to get your followers to recommend you to their friends and their friends’ friends? Meaning that, your message goes “viral.”
Wouldn’t it be great if you could not only have followers, but also turn those followers into dollars in the bank?
This is what “Social Active” is all about.

This class is for you if you want to learn how to harness the power of Facebook to grow your business.
It’s also for you if you’re a “DOER” instead of a talker. This class is all about doing the tasks over and over again so that you build momentum for your business.
You do not need any ‘previous’ internet experience. You don’t even need to have made a sale yet. But you will need a website and a willingness to learn and to make mistakes (mistakes are really how we learn best).
You will need to be the person who is responsible for doing your Facebook marketing.
You will require your own laptop computer to use in class.
You can be a business owner, business employee or an online marketer.

Your coach will be the person that the founder of Online Marketing Centre, Brett McFall, uses to run his niche-product Facebook marketing.
Dani Taylor recently took one of Brett’s Facebook pages from 100 followers to well over 10,000 in just a few short weeks. The free and paid techniques she used, will be taught to you so that you can use them for your own profit.
What if you too had 10,000 people hanging on your every word on Facebook? Don’t you think you could convert some of these people into paying customers?
Dani will take you through the exercises you need to know and explain why you’re doing them and how to do them in the quickest, easiest ways. All made very easy to understand.
Probably the best part is, you’ll do the tasks over and over again for the duration of the program. So that when you complete the course, you will be confident and competent

“Social Active” is a once-a-week program for 10-weeks.
The class runs on Thursdays from 10am till 12 noon for small groups of people only.
These classes are on-going and new participants can join at any time, providing there are seats available.
“Social Active” takes place LIVE in-class at the Online Marketing Centre, Gold Coast.

"sans-serif";color:black;border:none windowtext 1.0pt; mso-border-alt:none windowtext 0in;padding:0in'>What if you too had 10,000 people hanging on your every word on Facebook? Don’t you think you could convert some of these people into paying customers?

Dani will take you through the exercises you need to know and explain why you’re doing them and how to do them in the quickest, easiest ways. All made very easy to understand.
Probably the best part is, you’ll do the tasks over and over again for the duration of the program. So that when you complete the course, you will be confident and competent

To have this sort of personal, face-to-face teaching and ‘over your shoulder’ help, doesn’t come cheap.
But that’s because this method of learning is so effective.
If you could find a similar 10-week class that teaches you the 3 important things covered in this class, you’d be expecting to pay anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000.
You can even pay up to $1,995 just for a 1-day hands-on course run by a social media company in Sydney.
All would be worthwhile, IF they also followed the structure of our classes that are genius in their simplicity, and also kept class sizes to a minimum like we do at Online Marketing Centre.
And that’s why this course represents such great value.
The price is $197 per week for 10 weeks (TOTAL: $1,970).
Meaning that for just under $2,000 you can gain the competence you need to become a brilliant Facebook marketer for your business or employer.
NO theory – you’ll know and be able to DO exactly what you need to do.

To Complete your registration CLICK HERE
Membership Masterclass

The Membership Masterclass is a beginners’ level class for showing you how to create an online business that produces an automatic income month after month (WITHOUT a whole lot of effort).
This is what’s called a “membership site.” And there are just 5 simple steps to making it happen.
What exactly is a “membership site?”
Think of it like this:
You have a mobile phone, right? Or perhaps a paid-TV subscription? If so, then you’ll be familiar with paying that bill every month. If you stop paying, then your access to that service also stops.
This is what a membership site is like. Customers will pay you month after month for access to your information.
So instead of making a one-time sale of your ebook at say $17, you could have customers paying you $17 per month.
Instead of generating $17 per customer, you’d be generating $204. Better, yes?
And that’s why this business model is so appealing.
Trouble is, how do you create this automatic income if you don’t know HOW to do it?
It’s actually quite simple.
There are just 5 things you need to know. And this is what you’ll discover at Membership Masterclass.
Even if you’re a beginner, you can do this.
Or if you happen to already have your ebook ready too, then the even better news is that with just a few changes to your business, you can be off and running with a monthly income.
You’ll have your hand held as you begin putting this very exciting system into place on the day.
You’ll bring your laptop and do lots of tasks on the spot.
You can ask questions as you go, and your coach will show you the buttons to press and the places to go online to make your membership site a reality.

·         Why a membership site should be a part of most online business models
·         How to choose the right niche for a membership site
·         The low-down on the various types of membership sites and which one you should create
·         The biggest mistakes many membership site owners make and how you can avoid them
·         The types of content that works best (get this wrong, and you’ll struggle – get it right and you’ll have yourself a cool monthly income that requires very little effort)
·         How to create content that your customers absolutely LOVE (while you spending minimal time and money on it)
·         How to add content to your membership site… the easy way!
·         The 3 essential things your membership site must do if you want to generate a lot of money
·         What software and tools to use to make it easy on yourself
·         Why many website hosting providers – including the most popular ones – are not suitable for your membership website (and what to do about it)
·         How to collect payments from your customers automatically
·         The easy system for working out what content to give your customers so that they stay happy and wanting to continue in your program
·         How to set everything up so you spend little (if any) time maintaining your site on a week to week basis
·         How to market your membership site so that customers are practically begging you to let them be part of your system
·         How to keep your members happy so they want to remain members for a very long time
·         The biggest secret for making your site profitable (you’ll be one of the few who actually know this critical secret)

The bottom line is, at the end of the day you will walk away with your own step-by-step blueprint for your own profitable membership site.

You’ll be taught by Donna-Marie Coggins, an internet expert who has been involved in managing successful membership-based businesses since 1987, ranging from wildlife-based membership groups to ‘parents in business.’
Her membership site experience is unmatched, running her own membership sites from as little as $17/month, to the 3,000 member website at $397/month.
Her clear understanding of WordPress and her well thought-out teaching make this THE course to attend if you truly want to be make an automatic monthly income with your online business

To Complete your registration CLICK HERE
The Marketing Masterclass

The Marketing Masterclass teaches you how to not only attract more people to your website, but how to increase the amount of people who buy when they do visit.
And it really is as easy as changing WHAT you say and HOW you say it on your website.
Just one simple change can often DOUBLE and TRIPLE your sales overnight.
Yet very few people know how to do it.
Would you love to be able to control how much money you make?
Then this is the class for you. With everything made nice and easy to understand, but devastatingly powerful.
Imagine this: Imagine if you had 100 people visiting your website.
But instead of 1 out of 100 people buying your product or service (which is the average), you were able to get 3 to 10 people of 100 buying. Or even more.
Can you imagine the increase in profits?
1 x $17 = $17
But if you were using the incredible strategies taught in this class, then your bank balance could look like this:
3 x $17 = $51
And 10 x $17 = $170
That’s a huge difference in the money you could be making.

Remember, you’re paying the same amount to get your marketing out there. But you CAN change how much that marketing makes you.
This is a beginners’ level class for showing you what to do on your website and in your emails to make BIG differences in the sales you make.
Best part is, you’ll have your hand held as you begin putting this very exciting system into place on the day.
You’ll bring your laptop and do lots of tasks on the spot.
You can ask questions as you go, and your coach will show you what to do in the easiest way possible.

·         How to get into the minds of your prospect so you make more sales
·         Beat the blank screen blues – the best way to start your sales letters for maximum impact
·         The 3 critical elements of any promotion… how to master the craft of writing headlines, offers and guarantees that sell
·         Fill in the blank templates that virtually guarantee instant results
·         How to boost your response on any promotion with this little-known guarantee. And no, you’re not offering more bonuses; in fact it won’t cost you a thing
·         The critical guarantee language mistake that kills response. Even so-called pro copywriters make this mistake, and what’s worse is they don’t even know they are doing it
·         The ONE critical thing your opening must accomplish and how many marketers get this wrong
·         Why identifying your market’s core dominant emotions right from the word go, will have a dramatic and immediate impact on your response
·         How to sell “Big Ticket” items and make the price look inexpensive. See the simple yet little-known technique that overcomes price objections quickly and easily
·         How to get your prospects licking their lips in anticipation for your product… they just can’t wait to get their hands on it when you use this secret
·         The magical offer! How a simple little rephrasing technique adds sizzle to your offer… compelling your prospects to buy NOW not later
·         How To Create Headlines That Hook
·         How To Craft Killer Offers Few Prospects Can Ignore
·         Urgency Secrets… How To Light a Fire of Anticipation in Your Prospects So They Rush to Order NOW
·         The Extreme Loss Technique: See how to get your prospects to respond quickly by creating a vivid mental picture of “extreme loss” if they don’t buy now. This is advance stuff that not 1 in 100 pro copywriters know. But YOU will…
·         How to imprint the picture of scarcity in your prospects mind… so they rush to order
And lots more.
Register below now to secure your spot.

You’ll be taught by expert copywriter, Pete Godfrey.
With more than a dozen years of experience in the direct marketing arena, Pete Godfrey, AKA “The Wizard of Words”, has developed a keen eye as to what it takes to succeed in business.
As one of Australia’s most successful and highest paid copywriters, Pete has the uncanny ability to turn the written word into money. That’s why clients stand in line and almost beg him to do their promotions.
His client list has contained many of the world’s savviest entrepreneurs including Mal Emery, Pat Mesiti, Daryl and Andrew Grant, Matt and Amanda Clarkson, and many others.
This “working class rebel made good” is also a copywriting trainer, having trained hundreds of budding copywriters. His copy templates and copy training are renowned throughout Australia.
When it comes to copywriting training that gets quick, long lasting results, Pete is definitely the go-to guy in Australia that’s for sure. In fact, Pete trains his students so well many of them now teach copywriting to their own audience.

              SPECIAL $94 BONUS

By registering for this class right now, we’ll “gift” you 2 BONUS tickets to our LIVE Unfair Advantage Masterclass (valued at $47 each) with mindset expert, Pat Mesiti.
You’ll discover WHY you do the things you do… why you sometimes STOP yourself from doing the things you know you want to do… why and how you let others hold you back… and HOW to smash through any obstacles in your way.
This class will arm you with the tools you need to make a massive income… and keep it.
Without doubt, this class makes the one you’re registering for so much more powerful and helps ensure your success.
That’s why when you register right now you’ll receive two $47 tickets as our thank you for attending the Online Marketing Centre.
PLEASE NOTE: These $47 seats to the Unfair Advantage Masterclass are a part of a special promotion only and this offer can be taken own from this page at any time. So register now to secure your spots.
(The date for this event will be supplied to you after registration.)

To complete your registration CLICK HERE